SalterMitchell PR Book Club: ‘Start with Why’

Jarvis Coleman, Project Assistant
Since the start of the firm, SalterMitchell PR has promoted ongoing education outside of work. Our latest initiative? A quarterly book club. 
Initiated by the SMPR team, the book club encourages continuous learning and allows for vibrant discussions outside of our day-to-day client work. 

Last quarter, the team read what’s come to be a professional development classic –  Start with Why by Simon Sinek.

Start with Why explores the impact of a clear purpose on both personal and organizational success. Sinek’s main concept is the “Golden Circle,” which consists of the "What, How, and Why" behind every action. 

Of the three, Sinek emphasizes the importance of the "Why," the deeper reason behind an organization.  Sinek argues that if leaders and organizations have a true understanding of their "Why" and the ability to articulate it to others, they’ll inspire loyalty, innovation, and fulfillment. 

At SMPR, our “Why” was identified by our leaders through an in-depth analysis and discovery session defining what kind of public relations firm we wanted to be. At our core, SMPR helps good causes and our clients win. Since this identification, our ‘Why’ can be found in every decision made for the firm. 

Recognizing this alignment with Sinek’s core message reignited the team’s shared purpose. The many lessons throughout this book also inspired the team to think bigger, take a new approach to repetitive tasks, and remember why we are all here. 

Below are a few quotes from the SalterMitchell PR team describing their biggest takeaways from Simon Sinek’s Start with Why.

“There was a quote in Start with Why that I wrote down: ‘People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it.’ This has been  a great exercise in message development and copywriting.”
“A company's 'why' should be their stable, guiding principle. By understanding that 'why' they can make every decision with that principle at their core.”
"True leaders are inspirational. You cannot force individuals to follow you. A true leader naturally inspires a group to follow them because they want to learn from them."
“People - whether it's clients or coworkers - are attracted to those who have purpose and confidence.”

It’s easy to let the “what” overpower your “why.” By prioritizing the development of our team and having open communication, we strive to keep our unique purpose at the forefront of our minds.

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